Welcome to Puerto Plata


Welcome to Puerto Plata

The blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean create the perfect setting for any type of getaway. Whether you’re planning your next travel adventure, ready to have fun with friends, family, the love of your life, or lucky enough to do business on the beach, Puerto Plata holds the key to all the doors of your imagination.

Always Real

Plan your next travel adventure!

If you’re planning your next travel adventure, ready to have fun with friends, family, the love of your life, or lucky enough to do business on the beach, Puerto Plata holds the key to all the doors of your imagination.

How to get here

We always welcome you whether by air, land, or sea for a relaxing and enjoyable stay in paradise. There are over 80 weekly flights from 40 destinations, connecting different places in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.

Puerto Plata

Este rincón paradisíaco continúa hechizando a los turistas que buscan un paraíso terrenal. su espectacular panorama se fusiona armoniosamente con el azul del mar, las majestuosas montañas, valles exuberantes y ríos serpenteantes, todo esto bajo el cálido sol tropical.


There is always something happening in Puerto Plata

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    Ven preparado a vivir la máxima aventura en un destino que lo tiene todo con nuestros consejos de viajes y sácale el mayor provecho a tu estancia.


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